Frequently Asked Questions
90 Day Money Back Guarantee if no score improvement. The guarantee is voided by new collection/charge offs/ derogatory items being added to the credit report.
Raising your credit scores doesn’t happen overnight. It is a process that can last up to 6 months depending on how many negative items to dispute.
There are two sides to the credit score battle. Sometimes, the creditors and the credit bureaus have done absolutely everything right and we have no case against them. On average, clients are able to remove 70% of the negative items from a credit report. Each client has unique challenges. We plan a strategy that is detailed personally for you.
With our assistance and document processing, our clients have had great success with bankruptcies, foreclosures, collections, charge-offs, repossessions, medical bills, credit card debt, inquiries, late payments, old addresses, judgments, tax liens and student loans.