
Credit Utilization is 30% of your FICO score Add up to 165 points optimizing Amount Owed correctly

Credit Utilization is 30% of the FICO credit score that all mortgage lenders and banks use to determine credit approval for a mortgage. When used together with Credit Mix and New Credit it represents 50% of your overall score. When you optimize Credit Utilization and lower the use of your credit cards to 10% or […]

Credit Utilization is 30% of your FICO score Add up to 165 points optimizing Amount Owed correctly Read More »

Boost YOUR credit score 40 to 110 points in 30 days by adding positive credit to your credit report

Boost YOUR credit score by 40 to 110 points in 30 days by adding positive credit to your credit report. This will help you improve your score to get a mortgage, car loan, lower insurance rates and lower insurance rates. You will tap into all 4 areas of FICO: new credit, credit mix, credit utilization

Boost YOUR credit score 40 to 110 points in 30 days by adding positive credit to your credit report Read More »